Self-Care Interview with Lottie Louise Hewitt
"The key, I find for me personally, is to ensure my self-care time is scheduled into my dairy like a task or appointment. I actually book the time in my schedule and try my hardest to stick to that time. This puts a level of importance on my self-care."
Lottie Louise is a Female Empowerment Coach, Yoga & Meditation Teacher and Mental Health First Aider, based in West Sussex, in the UK. She is passionate about raising women up, to feel more: purpose, joy and simplicity in their life.
She works with women who want to break-free from a male dominant world and embrace being their true self, living out their dreams by working with their body, not against it.
For more information about her coaching and yoga classes, check out her website and her Instagram @soul_simple_life
What does self-care mean to you?
It means making time to prioritise my mind and body first. It’s regular time I carve out every day and increase depending on what my mind and body feels like that day. Self-care looks differently depending on how I am feeling and what my physical energy level is.
Has your perception of self-care changed, particularly with the events of last year?
Honestly, yes! In the year before Covid-19, I believed I took care of my self, but I didn’t prioritise self-care. With working from home since the first lockdown, I have found a new way of looking at self-care.
It has become an essential part of my everyday life, not just something I run to when I am feeling flat or low. It’s a non-negotiable in my routine that I now see as essential for my health, rather than a luxury.
What are some of the misconceptions around self-care?
I’d say mainly that it is selfish and that it takes lots of time. I was also sceptical with how long it might take. But actually you can practice self-care for just a couple of minutes, even 30-seconds if you want. With regards to it being selfish, I hear this mainly from those with children. But I believe it is essential.
Not only does it help you to feel better and stronger mentally and physically, it also teaches your children that you take care of yourself and prioritise you. This is a lesson they can learn to bring into their adult life too. This is such an important message for them to see and hear for their development too.
What are some of your favourite self-caring activities/self-care routine or affirmations?
For me, my favourite self-care activities are: walking in nature, taking a bath, breathing, reading, drinking a cuppa mindfully, meditation and mindfulness. I don’t have a set routine of when I do each activity, although I do most of these daily.
I do however, plan the week ahead with my self-care scheduled in, according to my menstrual cycle. I use this cycle to help me predict how my energy might feel. Then when it comes to self-care activities I am flexible with my approach, so I only do what I feel like in the moment.
My favourite self-care affirmations are: ‘You’ve got to nourish to flourish’ and ‘Everything will get done’.
How do you make sure you’re regularly prioritising self-care?
The key, I find for me personally, is to ensure my self-care time is scheduled into my dairy like a task or appointment. I actually book the time in my schedule and try my hardest to stick to that time. This puts a level of importance on my self-care. If also helps me see that I do have the time in my schedule to take care of myself first.
Why is it so important to keep going even when you’re feeling better in yourself?
Self-care should not be seen as a bandaid to use when you are feeling low and once you feel better you remove it. Self-care should be seen like taking a daily vitamin supplement. You know it's something healthy that you take daily.
It’s something that takes memory or a habit to get used to incorporating, but you can also see and feel the benefits of doing it. When you feel better, see it rather as a sign that the self-care is working to raise your vibration and mood and keep it up, so that you stay feeling like this.